PDHPE 'Relationships' lesson sequence

KLA: Personal Development (PDHPE)

TITLE: Bounce Back - friendship         lesson1/4
DATE: 16/10/08STAGE: 1DURATION: 30 mins
LESSON FOCUS: to develop an understanding of what makes a good friend.
OUTCOMES:IRS1.11 identifies the ways in which they communicate, cooperate and care for others.SPECIFIC INDICATORS:- Demonstrates ways to help encourage and care for others- practises some of the skills involved in maintaining friendships.ASSESSMENT:Student engagement.  Observation of student answers and participation.
LINKS WITH PREVIOUS LEARNING:Students have read “The Rainbow Fish” before.Students have worked together to produce one outcome previously. However they have not participated in a Bounce Back lesson for at least 2 terms.
  • Book: “The Rainbow Fish”
  • Relationships tree segments (trunk, roots, branches, leaves, bugs)
  • blutac
  • Prepare relationships tree parts into sperate bags for each small group.
INTRO· Read ‘Rainbow fish’. Talk about why the other fish didn’t want to be friends with him – was he friendly to them? Kind? Generous? So what did the Rainbow fish do to be nice to the other fish? – now was he being friendly? Kind? Generous?· Comment that is important to be nice to others and to treat others the way you would want them to treat you. That is, being kind, thoughtful, caring etc. This way, more people will like you and treat you friendly manner.·Listen to the story and answer/comment on questions when appropriate.    ·Hands up only.

·  Students on floor·  “The Rainbow Fish”

whole class groups

Teacher intitiation - student response - teacher feedback model (IRF) combined with conversation. Student responses were acknowledged and used to carry on the conversation.
DEVELOP-MENT:· Creating the ‘Friendship tree’.· Have the trunk up for all to see. · Ask  (and demonstrate) taking out the (1)root from their packs. Ask students to write some words describing answers to the question “what is a friend?” – 2 mins, whispering with your small group only.· Once the 2 mins is up have each group call out one suggestion as you point to them. After they have called out that person comes and sticks it on the tree.· (2) Branches – “what makes a GOOD friend?”· (3) leaves – “what makes a BAD friend?”· (4) Bugs – “to be nice and make friends, what would you do/say if you met someone new?”

·     Listen to instructions and work quickly and quietly with their group, adding objects to the tree when asked.

students move to small groups

Scaffolding. by creating a 'tree' i was scaffolding the contents of the lesson and the discussion in the conclusion. = positive and supportive learning environment.
·  Students at desks·  Friendship tree bags·  Blutac  ·  Students work in small groups (max. 3 people) so that they practice sharing, have someone to express their ideas to, and also for manageability of the classroom.·  Ask Rian, who has only recently arrived in the school (and is very bright), what did people say/do to be nice to you when you first arrived?

· discussion – why do we all like having friends?·Students discuss while looking at the tree to reflect.·  Desks.
EVALUATION/STRENGTHS AND NEEDS:As this was the first lesson in this unit it was important for me to be able to see how the students would respond to this subject. Students had a lot of fun creating this tree both working in their small groups as well as creating the tree as a whole class project. In this way, the indicators outlined were achieved. During the lesson I felt that it would be better to change the roots, branches and leaves to all answer the question “what makes a good friend”, firstly because of time management, secondly, to maintain interest and keep the lesson simple. I used the bug to answer the scenario “if a new child came to the class today, what would you do to be a good friend?”
KLA: PDHPE – bounce back

TITLE: Listening                          lesson 2/4

DATE: 23/10/08STAGE: 1DURATION: 40 mins
LESSON FOCUS: for students to understand that it is important to listen when people talk to you.
OUTCOMES:IRS1.11 Identifies the ways in which they communicate, cooperate and care for others.SPECIFIC INDICATORS:-          Demonstrates appropriate ways of communicating with others, especially listening.-          Practises some of the skills involved in maintaining friendships.ASSESSMENT:Observation of students’ active listening skills, ability to express their feelings and in communicating within small groups.
LINKS WITH PREVIOUS LEARNING:Previous lesson looked at the major points of 1. Getting along well with others will make you feel happier; 2. If you want to have a good friend then you have to be a good friend. This lesson continues with the understanding that listening is an important skill to have to be a good friend.KLA link – Drama                - English: talking and listening
RESOURCES:-          One picture of people listening per student.-          Envelopes to put them in.PRE-LESSON ACTIVITIES:-          Some sentences ready for Chinese whispers.-          Pictures in envelopes.
INTRODUC-TION: (5-10mins)· Have 2 children who have reason to be rewarded help you in this part.· 1 child talk to the other one about their weekend while the 2nd child ignores them by not looking at them and being distracted.

·     Students are on the floor observing the quick skit by 2 members of the class.

A-B friendship pairing

IRF with conversation
·  Questions for the 1st child: ‘how did it make you feel when the other person ignored you?’·  Class: ‘think about how it would make you feel.’·  What do you think would have made the person talking feel better??·  How do we let people know that we are listening? – eye contact, asking good questions about what the speaker said.
DEVELOP-MENT:· Picture listening: explain to students   

That in the envelopes are general pictures. In pairs you are to tell each other about the picture you have. The person with envelope A goes first. B DO NOT OPEN YET!  After A has answered the questions B briefly sums up what person A as said.·  Now switch over.·     Listen to instructions carefully and complete the activity using the questions/comments put up on the board as a guide.·  Students talk about colours; tell about any people or objects in the picture; what they can see in the picture; and say why they like the picture or why they do not.·  Ask students – hands up if you listened really carefully to what your partner said about their picture; hands up if you know your partner listened to you.


· Play a game of Chinese whispers to demonstrate how easy it is to NOT listen.· Start with one big circle to work as a class, then split into 2 circles to see which group can keep the sentence MOST correct, that group can leave for lunch first. ·  Sentences may include: 1. Vegetables, fruit and fish are good for you and you should eat them often; 2. If you go to the beach remember not to leave your rubbish and to take your towel home.
KLA: PDTITLE: being thoughtful                        lesson3/4
DATE: 30/10/08STAGE: 1DURATION: 30 mins
LESSON FOCUS: to continue the lessons of being a good friend by providing examples of what it means to be thoughtful.
OUTCOMES:IRS1.11 Identifies the ways in which they communicate, cooperate and care for others.SPECIFIC INDICATORS:-          Demonstrates appropriate ways of communicating with others, and acts thoughtfully to others. -          Practises some of the skills involved in maintaining friendships.ASSESSMENT:Observation of student participation and ability to understand the meaning of, and actively working toward, being a thoughtful friend.
LINKS WITH PREVIOUS LEARNING:So far students have completed lessons about friendship and the skill of listening.
  • Sentence sheet for the book “one way to be a thoughtful friend is…”
  • Mystery word sheet
  • Friendship game
  • Wombat divine
INTRO · Read wombat divine. · Discuss what we mean when we talk about being thoughtful.- usually means trying to find a good way to make the other person feel special and cared about.· Talk about ways that their family members are thoughtful toward people they care about.

·Think about and respond to the discussion.

IRF following through to conversation and brainstorm of students' ideas.

·  Students on floor.·  Ask can anyone give me an example of being thoughtful? Do you know what it means when I say that someone is being thoughtful?·  After telling students what it means: Can anyone think of a time when someone has been thoughtful toward you?
DEV · Brainstorm on the whiteboard all the ways in which people can be thoughtful towards a friend/each other.

·     Participate in brainstorm thinking about the examples already given. 

whole class

·  Give examples: remembering when it’s their birthday; helping a friend with school work if they don’t
 · Ask students to separate into friends groups and create a short skit showing an example of someone being thoughtful toward someone else.·     Students create and perform their skit in friendship groups of no more than 4.understand; helping a friend carry heavy things; including a friend in what you are doing; letting a friend play with something of yours; listening to them and caring if they have a problem…

· Explain that, as a class, we’ll be making a book about how to be a thoughtful friend! Show the sheet they’ll be writing one sentence on. To help them develop their ideas ask students to close their eyes and think about what they would do to be a thoughtful friend.· Explain that this is a final copy so their sentence needs to be VERY neat and written in pencil only. Once they have written their sentence they have to get it checked by the teacher.·Write a sentence beginning with “One way to be a thoughtful friend is…” and have it checked by the teacher. ·  Students back to desks.·  Book proforma


· Colour in neatly.· Fast finishers: mystery word sheet then friendship game.·     Colour in neatly and get it checked before playing the other activities.·  Mystery word sheet·  Friendship game.
KLA: PDTITLE: learning to accept each others differences                     lesson 4/4
DATE: 6/11/08STAGE: 1DURATION: 40 mins
LESSON FOCUS: to help students understand and appreciate the differences between themselves and others and to accept themselves and others for who they are.
OUTCOMES:IRS1.11 Identifies the ways in which they communicate, cooperate and care for others.SPECIFIC INDICATORS:-          Practises some of the skills involved in maintaining friendships.-          Explains why different people are important to them.-          Encourages and cares for others.ASSESSMENT:Observation of participation and actions/attitudes taken toward themselves and others.
LINKS WITH PREVIOUS LEARNING:This lesson is the 4th in the sequence about friendship. The previous have included: “what is friendship?”; “listening carefully”; and “being a thoughtful friend”. These lessons have reviewed skills needed to establish and maintain a friendship.
RESOURCES:-          The Ugliest Dog in the World by Bruce Whatley (1992)-          Henry and Amy by Stephen Michael King (1999)-          High School Musical DVD: chapters 6 “stick to the status quo” and 12 “we’re all in this together”-          Bounce back sheet: how my friend and I are alike and differentPRE-LESSON ACTIVITIES:-          Have DVD set to one of the correct chapters.
INTRODUC-TION: (15mins)·     Read the books·     View High School Musical ·     Talk about how friends are usually the same in some ways but they are different in some ways too, and that it is important to let your friends feel free to be themselves and not have to pretend to be someone else.·   Listen, watch and participate in discussion.· The Ugliest Dog in the World · Henry and Amy · High School Musical DVD· Are you exactly the same as your friends? What is different about you? Different about them?· What does free to be yourself mean?
DEVELOP-MENT:· Have students turn to the person next to them and talk about how they are the same and how they are different to one of ·Participate in discussion and listen to their peers.·  Students on the floor

friends.· Students return to desk and complete the sheet how my friend and I are alike and different. Ask for 3 similarities and 3 differences. · Use the friendship game for fast finisher. ·Complete the sheet ·  Students at desks.


· Ask students for some of the similarities and differences between themselves and their friends· Reiterate that even though people can be different, we can all still be friends by accepting these differences.·Voice some of their own differences to one of their friends.·  Students on floor.·  How are you different from one of your friends?